Board-Certified Ophthalmologist

Phone 503.581.5287  
Fax  503.386.1377  

Prior to Surgery
Please bring these items to surgery
Fill all medication eye drop prescriptions at your pharmacy.
Start all drops as directed 1 day before surgery.
Arrange for a driver to bring you to and from your surgery appointment.

We ask that only one person accompany you to the surgery center.
And that you arrive no earlier than your scheduled time of:
You will be at the surgery center for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes,
from check-in to discharge.

The Night Before
Make sure to shower,
wash hair and face.
Eat and drink as usual. Take all medications unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon.


Independent Physician at Medical Center Eye Clinic
655 Medical Center Drive NE
Salem, OR. 97301
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Day of Surgery
Be careful of your eye(s). Do not rub, bump, touch, or squeeze your eyelid(s).
Eat a light meal two hours prior to your procedure. Take all medications unless other- wise instructed.
Absolutely no caffeine, alcohol or marijuana the day of your surgery.
No earrings or face jewelry. Remove and leave all jewelry at home. Medical alert tags and wedding rings are OK.
Wear loose clothes and short sleeves. Slacks are suggested for ladies. Tennis shoes or similar types of rubber-soled shoes are requested for your safety.
Do not wear make-up, face or body lotions, perfume or cologne. No scented or alcohol- based products on your hair or skin, including:
If you are an insulin-taking diabetic, please be sure to eat, take your insulin, test your blood sugar and write the results on a piece of paper to give to your nurse at the surgery center. Start all drops as directed 1 day before surgery.
No hairspray, mousse, gel, detangler, leave-in- conditioner, etc. No deodorant or antiperspirant, shave gel, after shave, mouthwash, mints, etc. These products are prohibited as they can damage the ultra-sensitive laser optics.
You will be sent home from surgery wearing a plastic shield to protect your eye. Your surgeon will remove it at your 1 day post-op appointment. Do continue using your prescribed eye drops as directed when you get home in your surgery eye only.
Please bring to surgery: your glass case if you wear glasses. Also bring a current medical insurance cards and a photo ID (if this does not show your current address, you must also bring a utility bill or other correspondence which shows your current address.)
Note: the photo ID is necessary because we are now required to comply with federal identity-theft prevention laws.
We recommend that you nap as long as possible to jump start your healing process.
Independent Physician at Medical Center Eye Clinic
655 Medical Center Drive NE
Salem, OR. 97301
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Patient Name
Surgery Eye:
Post-Op Appointment Date / Time
Cataract Post-Op Instructions
Use your eye drops on the schedule provided by your surgeon.
No lifting over 10-15 pounds for 1 week.
Do not rub your eye, or get anything in your eye, which can increase the chance of infection.
Avoid running the shower in your eye for 1 week. Bathe and shower with your eyes closed.
No hot tubs, swimming pools, bodies of water, saunas or tanning beds for 1 week.
No eye make-up or under eye cream for 1 week.
Do wear glasses or sunglasses during the day for comfort.
Wear your protective eye cover-ing (eye shield) as prescribed and avoid sleeping on the side that had been operated on.
If you are currently using drops for glaucoma continue all drops as directed.
Bring all eye drop medications to post-op appointments.
Call the office at (503) 581-5287 if you experience any pain, red-ness, or change in vision for the worse in the operative eye, or for any other concerns relating to your eye.
Eye Drop Medication
Instill 1 drop in the surgery eye for the medications as indicated below :
Instill drop 4 times daily in surgery eye only.
Instill drop 2 times daily in surgery eye only.
Instill drop 1 times daily in surgery eye only.
Instill drop 2 times daily in surgery eye only.
Instill drop 4 times daily in surgery eye only.
Instill drop 1 times daily in surgery eye only.
Independent Physician at Medical Center Eye Clinic
655 Medical Center Drive NE
Salem, OR. 97301
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